Agip Super Motor Oil

Agip Super Motor Oil


AGIP SUPER SL MOTOROIL meets requirements of the following service and specifications :
API Service SL level
  • AGIP SUPER SL MOTOROIL has an extremely  high viscosity index which keeps if free flowing when cold and maintains high viscosity when hot. The same grade of lubricant can therefore be used in all seasons.
  • Its superior detergent dispersant characteristic effectively minimize the formation of lacquer and varnish as well as other deposits, definitely avoiding the formation of the so called “black sludge”.
  • AGIP SUPER SL MOTOROIL thus help prevent ring sticking, keeps pistons clean and maintains deposits in suspension.
  • AGIP SUPER SL MOTOROIL is highly resistant to deterioration especially that caused by oxidation due to prolonged high temperature operation in the presence of air and other agents.
  • Its special anti corrosion properties which afford effective protection against corrosion by combustion moisture and acid.
  • Its anti foam properties prevent the formation of air bubbles which could effect lubricant film continuity.
  • Its antiwear properties ensure long life for all moving parts, substantially reducing the need for engine servicing and overhauls.
  • Its special formulation ensures superior  performance without the need for a high percentage of organo metallic additives. This reduces combustion chamber deposits, thus lessening the danger of pre ignition, while effectively containing the rise in the octane requirement after prolongs engine operation.

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